Inicio Noticias Un bombero obtiene una indemnización de 2.6 millones de dólares como consecuencia del cáncer de pulmón que sufre

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Un bombero obtiene una indemnización de 2.6 millones de dólares como consecuencia del cáncer de pulmón que sufre


David Fortier was a firefighter aboard the USS Forrestal from 1969 to 1972. He worked on pumps and other asbestos-insulated equipment manufactured by the Allis Chalmers Corporation. He was diagnosed with mesothelioma in October of 2006, and died in June of 2008. He filed a lawsuit shortly after his diagnosis, but he did not live to see his case decided. His widow, Gail Fortier, was awarded $2.59 million when a six person Connecticut jury decided the case against Allis-Chambers on March 12, 2009. Asbestos is the primary cause of Mesothelioma, and many ships and aircraft carriers were built with asbestos-insulated equipment and contaminated with asbestos. Mesothelioma can take many years to manifest in a person who has been exposed to asbestos contamination, and symptoms do not appear until there is a significant amount of the cancer in the body

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